When you feel your breath on my neck it is inevitable that we will begin to shake.
If from a rational point of view that justifies the use of vaccines holding, by many other makes definitely water. Just take a look without slices of ham on the eyes to the historical evolution of certain diseases, such as tetanus, to realize that the effect of the specific vaccine has been to say the least doubt.
Personally, while wanting to stay out of scientific or ruminations, as often happens when there is half the medicine, pseudo-such, but I can not fail to express perplexity degl\’industriali concerted action of the drug and so-called \”authorities\”.
Faced with objectively heavy objections to immunization practices, justified or not is not the issue now, the reactions were from occasion to occasion the silence, the attempt to ridicule those who object and the imposition of legal obligations that go beyond conspicuously any boundary not only of reason but also, paradoxically, legal. Interventions such as this Dr. Shepherd of the Prosecutor of Bologna, for example, are a prime example. The official, for those who do not remember, would take away parental authority to parents who, in the absence of reliable data, do not want to have their children patently illegal vaccinations such as the famous \”hexavalent\”.
Beyond the vaccination practice, however, there is another: the quality of products. I Have now written to exhaustion, but the reaction was nothing of the 23 vaccines tested in our laboratory in whose memory is the heart Antonietta Gatti (and it is she who makes the analysis), one of the members of the College of Fellows, whose members include some 32 scientists of the highest worldwide in the field of bioengineering and biomaterials, 23, that is all, have proved polluted by inorganic micro- and nanoparticles, non-biodegradable and biocompatible. In front of a given kind whatsoever authorities whose name is not in ironic quotes would intervene and would put in place the necessary controls without looking at anyone. Instead, zero. And then, I claim my right to be suspicious to exacerbate which are added newspaper articles signed by characters more or less of the craft to support the use of vaccines. Last in order of time is a wordy tirade that Andrea Grignolio, historian of medicine, published yesterday by Corriere della Sera under the title \”The crusade against\” vaccines. Those who had the patience to read the whole article would find absolutely nothing: not a scientifically-argued thesis, not a single answer to the questions and concerns and, needless to say, the absolute silence on the contaminated vaccines. I do not know that this Grignolio, but I think that even the most unprepared representative of medications could speak with so much misery.
And then, because it seems that he works in Bologna, ie just over half an hour by car from my laboratory, I receive an invitation to visit me and answer them one by one to the questions that will put simply showing the objective results our analyzes. Of course, you will not be accepted without answers of intelligence and honesty because those are good for children\’s magazines with which to wrap celery.
But, apart from these characters much smaller, I think it is absolutely essential that those who object and who is on the other side finally meet together with the scientific data in hand, where scientific data do not mean numbers and concepts all too obviously fake but results experimental solid to reason. After all, if those who say vaccines deemed to be the side of reason, should be the first to support such a possibility to rout the field. To date, however, it seems to me that the Industry Strategy does not include potentially dangerous encounters. Never change a winning team.