It seems impossible that today the world has come to this point. We are horrified by journalists puppets of the system.
Withdraw many batches of vaccine hexavalent in 19 countries in the world , and nobody talks about it, or rather that one that talks about it brings concepts ambiguously. Immediately after withdrawing 2.3 million doses of flu vaccine and all the newspapers talk about it as if it were about the effectiveness and efficiency of the pharmacovigilance system.
Considering that in this country there are not two different bodies of Pharmacovigilance, both referred AIFA , it is impossible to understand how it is possible incensarne l \’ effectiveness and l\’ efficiency [two dear words in the National Health Service] when only 48 hours before it was incurred in the largest topical of the century to the detriment of the health of our children.
This media maneuver is part of accurate media communication techniques: emphasize a story to pass completely into the background the most important news, without which no one can account, is a game known.
You want proof? Ve … we suffered!
Of hexavalent vaccines withdrawn in half the world, intended for infants of 3 months, still he does not talk about any everyday knowing that parents avalanches [who exchange information in real time on social networks] have asked understandable assurances to the various ASL. The official news of the withdrawal has exploded globally in the week 6 to 13 October, with subsequent update on 16 October as a result of the strong pressure exerted by the parents towards the authorities and the manufacturer.
The second [!!!] the producing signaling the flu vaccine, the Dutch Crucell, which found \”potentially hazardous \” to health in two [out of 32] batches of flu vaccine Inflexal V , thus arriving at the decision to withdraw the \’entire production, bears the date of October 1 .
It will be a case [is always the case!], But this news is amplified by all the media only later and immediately behind the withdrawal quote dell\’Infanrix Hexa, when the tam tam had become now in the public domain on the pages of all the Ministries of Health … except ours, too busy to promote influenza vaccination campaigns even against all evidence scientific utility!
What our Ministry of Health forgets, as well as journalists and the AIFA Pharmacovigilance system puppets, is that in case of withdrawal of vaccine lots classified defect CLASS I [the most dangerous] exists an indisputable available EMEA regarding withdrawals of products from the market and managing non-compliance that requires it to also alert the countries not concerned by the trade of the incriminated vaccines [ page 22 – Section 3.2 ]. Why this did not happen in Italy?
For this reason, persisting silence, as private citizens have contacted the Secretariat of the Public Prosecutor of Turin Dott. Raffaele Guariniello [already known for investigations regarding vaccines to mercury and health damage caused by the pandemic H1N1 vaccine, though – watch case – its pool is subject to dismantling], exposing the facts and feeling invite to submit a complaint to cognitive Judiciary in order to put clarity to the many questions left unanswered:
- if \” no contamination was found in the products \”, because withdraw them?
- if \” no contamination was found in the products \”, because it was attributed to the defect classification of CLASS?
- who assures us that have been carried out quality control on vaccines for our children?
- who assures us that have been carried out quality checks on the ASL stocks of vaccines for our children?
- because to date there is no documented evidence of quality control by the Ministry, the Institute of Health, the AIFA, GSK and / or other delegates laboratories?
- because to date there is no documented evidence of quality control by the Ministry, the Institute of Health, the AIFA and / or other delegates laboratories on other vaccines marketed by GSK?
- if of all the lots making \”of stringent quality controls and standardized,\” as can escape even garish pollutants such as dust found by the team of Dr. Montanari ?
- what does it mean that the quality is \”certified\”?
- if those who \”certifies\” the controls also neglects the presence of dust Steel, Lead, Titanium, Tungsten and everything else, what kind of \”certification\” is?
At this point we fully intend to officially know all the details of the batch numbers of the vaccines concerned in all 19 countries involved in the decision, as it should be, and we are determined to get as many official certifications which prove the inspections took place quality product [including environmental pollutants] and the inventory supplied to the various ASL.
Recall that in France the measure precautionary recall has also affected the formulation and tetravalent Pentad Infanrix the same , therefore the quality controls should be extended to all products marketed by GSK [including vaccine Priorix – Trivalent Measles Mumps Rubella]
In this chaos in which he finds himself our country, where every day comes a novelty in the health field, where now the blanket is too short to make even just pretend to heat a single sick person, we believe it is important to be consistent and reinforce a concept that He continues to escape: do not play, and you do not market on children\’s health!